Future Events
The Butterfly Project organizes several events throughout the year. Our events are intended to help accomplish the project's mission of raising awareness and promoting tolerance. Please scroll down to view a slideshow of these events, and press the button below to view more pictures.
We welcome you to join us at any of our future events to help us achieve our mission!
Annual Bagel Brunch for Genocide Awareness: November 8, 2020
This is our biggest community wide fundraising event of the year held in American Heritage's Environmental and Cultural Center. The event is family friendly and features breakfast buffets, fine arts performances, raffles, informational booths, and games relating to anti-prejudice, peace, and activism.
Genocide Awareness Assembly: January 25, 2020
Through this assembly, all freshman at American Heritage are formally introduced to the theme of genocide which they will be studying in class for a quarter. Students hear the first hand experiences of a Holocaust Survivor and are informed about the upcoming Genocide Awareness Artwork and Writing Contest.
Genocide Awareness Artwork and Writing Contest: TBA
This contest is a component of ​American Heritage's Holocaust unit. Students partake in this project during their freshman year and is formally assigned in their English classes. Once students submit their projects, their teachers choose their most remarkable projects to be analyzed by The Butterfly Project Board and Ms. Gallagher. During this secondary grading process, the board and Ms. Gallagher sort the projects, input them in the archive, and assign awards to the top 5% of projects.​​​​
NSU Reflection Field Trip: TBA
In collaboration with Tikkun Olam, all students are invited to visit the Craig and Barbara Weiner Holocaust Reflection and Resource center at Nova Southeastern University. Here they learn more about the history and background of the Holocaust, view artifacts and propaganda, and learn from the White Rose documentary.
Annual Remembrance Ceremony: TBA
This event features an exhibit of the top 5% of projects submitted by students to the Genocide Awareness Artwork and Writing Contest. Students are celebrated for their contribution to raising community wide awareness. We remember those who have lost their lives to genocide, release butterflies in their memory, and unveil the Butterfly Mural of Innocence in the American Heritage Environmental and Cultural Center.